
CPR, AED, & First Aid - Adult, Child, & Infant

$ 90 usd
Fri, Jul 1, 2022, 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM PDT
Mobile First Response (Scuba Hut), 2725 Hwy 32, Suite F, Chico, CA, USA Map
CPR, AED, & First Aid - Adult, Child, & Infant
For a full class description visit the course specific page on mobilefirstresponse.com
Enrollment closes 7 days prior to course date - this gives time to ensure the online academic portion is completed.

How Blended Learning Works:

Within 48 hours of signing up for a course, you will be enrolled in an online portal for the blended portion of the class. This is about 3 hours of informational videos and quizlets, broken up into 5-15 minute sections. The portal saves your progress so you do not have to do it in one sitting.
Before being enrolled, you may be contacted via email to ensure you signed up for the right course.
After completing the online portion of the class, you will attend the in-person skills portion with one of our certified instructors. This could be one on one or have up to 8 people in it. The skills portion takes one to two hours, where you will be provided with hands on learning and experience with our mannequins and equipment, and get to ask your instructor any questions you may have.
After completion of BOTH the online and the in person learning, you will be emailed your certificate, good for two years from the date of completion.



Eric Simmons


Contact us


Mobile First Response (Scuba Hut), 2725 Hwy 32, Suite F, Chico, CA, USA

