
Somatic Sangha

Thu, Jan 12, 2023, 12:00 – 12:45 PM EST
Somatic Sangha

Somatic Sangha* is a monthly gathering where we practice body-based mindfulness and meditation. This is an opportunity to "tune in" to the body and hear what the body has to say. Noticing and observing what is happening within us, we can open up space to breathe, to notice, to bring awareness and to change. This is a new offering and will develop over time in accordance with the needs of the participants. We may, at times, incorporate some movement practices. Sessions will always end with an integration/reflection period that will include writing/drawing/resting and a brief, optional, sharing. This event is always free. Donations are accepted but not necessary or required. Sessions begin and end promptly, with an option to leave at 12:30 for those with limited time.

*"Sangha" comes from the Buddhist tradition, meaning a community of practitioners at all levels - monks, nuns, novices and laity. We use this term for two reasons: to encourage folks of all skill levels to attend, and to point to the integration of Buddhist principles into the work. In Buddhism, the sangha is an essential part of practice - we must practice in community. Body-Mind Centering® also has this principle. My background in Buddhism consists of a B.A. in Eastern Religion, having studied with Dr. Victor Hori, which brought a good understanding of philosophy and principles of many sects of Buddhism. However, Buddhism is a practice, too. I have training in First Level Shambhala Meditation, and have led community-based, body-based meditation classes for a year preceding COVID.



Amanda Erin

Facilitator, Somatic Movement Educator

Contact us


Age Groups
  • Adult
  • Youth (over 14)
  • All