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Indigenous Prayer Tie Making Workshop

Fri, Mar 10, 2023, 7:00 – 9:00 PM MST
Sunalta Community Hall, 1627 - 10 Ave SW, Calgary, AB, Canada Map
Indigenous Prayer Tie Making Workshop

Various Indigenouis nations in North America use Prayer Ties (tobacco or cornmeal wrapped in cloth) as offerings of prayers, intentions, and gratitude, to the Great Spirit in exchange for blessings.

They can be tied to trees, above your bed, kept on you (i.e. in a Medicine Bag, or pocket), given as an offering to an Elder/Knowledge Keeper/Healer, or leaving them in sacred places.

Prayer Ties, sometimes called prayer flags, are not meant to be purchased. Making the ties themselves is a meditative action. Your prayer or intention begins as you prepare the ties. It is easy enough to gather up the materials you need on your own without visiting a market that sells prayer tie kits.

Even if you are not Inidigenous, you may study and practice this earth-centered ritual of making and using prayer ties as an intention tool for prayer or healing.

All who come in contact with the prayer ties are blessed by the intentions and prayers.

The fabric color of the Prayer Ties represent the Medicine Wheel:
  • Red (South)
  • Black (West)
  • White (North)
  • Yellow (East)

Robbie, your Indigenous Facilitator, will guide you on making Prayer Ties, and enlighten you with storytelling.

Before you make your Prayer Ties, set an intention (prayer) that you want the Prayer Tie to carry to the Great Spirit, God, the Angels, your Higher Self, Mother Earth, or whichever deity or energy you are spiritually aligned with.

All Prayer Tie materials (Cotton Fabric, Artificial Sinew, Loose Tobacco) are supplied.
Bring your own pair of scissors to cut the supplied fabric (into squares of 5" x 5", and strips)

Snacks will be offered (let us know if you have any food allergies).



Robbie Daniels

Indigenous Facilitator


Sunalta Community Hall, 1627 - 10 Ave SW, Calgary, AB, Canada


  • Indigenous Culture
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