
The Undeniably Noisy Choir open night!

Wed, 8 Mar 2023, 7:00 – 8:30 pm AEDT
Dates Breakdown
Wed, 8 Mar 2023, 7:00 – 8:30 pm AEDT
The Undeniably Noisy Choir  open night!

Come along and sing with us for an evening at our community open night! Friends, kids and family, visitors and anyone curious about our group are warmly invited to come along for the evening and sing with us!


Sing some beautiful circle songs and - easy to learn, beautiful harmonies and songs that make us feel happier!

Sing in a group - it's the best way to boost your mood, your wellbeing, your connection to community and your singing skills!!

What is it:

The Undeniably Noisy Singers is a community choir group that has been running in Cessnock for 7 years - we've had a tricky few years with the pandemic and weather affecting our plans but the year ahead is looking amazing!
We welcome singers of all ages and abilities and you are welcome to attend as a regular or as a casual.
We sing music that is easy to learn, has a certain feel good element that makes it positive, upbeat or good for the soul in some way.
We are not religious and celebrate diversity and community and friendship - we love to make people feel welcome!

We sing in a group so there is no pressure, no solos or singling anyone out -so you get to dive straight into the magical feeling of your voice blending into a group sound.

Wednesdays 7pm - 8:30pm


Everyone is welcome! beginners, regular and past singers, friends and family and visitors and curious people who want to come and see what it's like!

How much does it cost:

Participation is by donation: there is a yellow tin at the door that you can drop $ into wen you arrive (the tin's favourite food is $5) or bring along something to share with a cup of tea (we LOVE bickies, fruit or cake!)

questions? call Emmie on 0412 835 865

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Owner / teaching artist

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