
Learning One Point Perspective - Famous Landmark

$ 20 usd
Sat, Aug 14, 2021, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM EDT
Whitepine Studios, 141 E. Michigan Avenue, Suite B, Saline, MI, USA Map
Learning One Point Perspective - Famous Landmark

Artists use perspective to represent 3D objects on a 2D surface. Perspective can create the illusion of space and depth. One-point consists of a single vanishing point and recreates the view from one side of the subject. This workshop will teach students how to sketch a one-point perspective drawing of a landmark in a famous world city. Students will learn about parallel and perpendicular lines, the vanishing point and the horizon. They will use a range of values to create the perception of depth. Easy access to the studio can be found at the back of the building.



Kaili Dence

Creative Director

Contact us


Whitepine Studios, 141 E. Michigan Avenue, Suite B, Saline, MI, USA


  • Classes Middle School
Age Groups
  • Adult 18 +