
Introspective Comprehensive CoParenting Unit 8 Sec A

$ 450 usd
+ available add-ons
Tue, Dec 7, 2021, 6:00 PM PST – Tue, Jan 25, 2022, 5:00 PM PST
Virtual Course via Zoom
Dates Breakdown
Tue, Dec 7, 2021, 6:00 – 7:30 PM PST
Week 1
Tue, Dec 14, 2021, 6:00 – 7:30 PM PST
Week 2
Introspective Comprehensive CoParenting Unit 8 Sec A


Introspective Comprehensive Coparenting (ICC) is a coparenting technique developed by Dr. Janella Street. ICC provides coparents with the tools they need to focus on the aspect of the coparenting relationship they can control. Participants receive 12 hours of coparenting instruction. A certificate of completion given to each participant who completes the course.


During ICC participates will identify their CORE Parenting Values © and learn how to decrease Stressed Emotional Responses (SER) ©. They will also identify which emotional triggers are hindering communication in the coparenting relationship and learn helpful coping skills to decrease the impact of those triggers. This is accomplished by teaching each parent cognitive-behavioral methods tailored to meet the needs of challenging coparenting relationships. Ultimately, this process will reduce stress in the coparenting relationship and improve communication.

ICC provides 12 hours of coparenting instruction over an eight week period. Coparents are enrolled in separate ICC sections. This allows participants to focus on the steps they need to take to improve their coparenting skills, without the distraction of the current coparenting relationship. Each parent who completes the course will receive a certificate documenting their completion of 12 hours of coparenting instruction.



Mounir Tyler

ICC Facilitator


Virtual Course via Zoom