
September MicroCamp: GEOCACHING

$ 10 usd
Sat, Sep 24, 2022, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT
CMU, Education and Human Services Building, room 134, 195 Ojibway Ct, Mount Pleasant, MI Map
September MicroCamp: GEOCACHING
Formerly known as Family Events, the newest version of this monthly community event is a popular carryover from our summer schedule -- MicroCamps! The goal, each month, is to create time and space for students and the adult(s) in their life to attend as a maker team (ideal for lower elementary-ages) or for individual makers to try their hand at a new skill (ideal for upper elementary through adult). Please keep in mind that student interest in the topic enhances not only their experience, but also that of their fellow participants.

The flat rate of $10/participant includes a free adult registration for students in grades K-4. Any materials needed for the project are included in this cost, some of which will be items you can take, others (such as technology) will be available for you to use during the event.

Center staff members will facilitate the MicroCamp: Weekend Edition event and will offer instructions, examples, or activities as close to 9AM as possible leaving the remaining time available for individual and groups of makers to use toward completing their project. Feel free to stay the entire time or take off early if that best meets your needs.



Amanda Cornwell

Assistant Director of STEM Programming

Ashley O'Neil

Assistant Director of STEM Programming

Contact us


CMU, Education and Human Services Building, room 134, 195 Ojibway Ct, Mount Pleasant, MI


Age Groups
  • All