
Portrait Painting in Oils

$ 125 cad
+ available add-ons
Fri, Aug 25, 2023, 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM EDT
Event Tent at Kennisis Lake Marina, 1076 Wilkinson Rd., Haliburton, Ontario, Canada Map
Portrait Painting in Oils

Portrait Painting in Oils Monochromatic

This workshop is designed for those with some painting experience and will get you past the “I CAN'T PAINT FACES” roadblock. To simplify the process, we will use only one colour. All the tools/techniques covered are applicable to any painting subject.

Topics include

  1. painting priorities (4)
  2. how to get it right- 8 editing techniques
  3. background
  4. adding colour

Materials List

Everyone is to bring a black /white copier print of the face of your choice. Fill the page. Regarding your subject*** babies are difficult, ladies are harder than men, old guys are easiest, hats help.

  • request a $25 matl kit which gives you all the oil painting tools for the day, you take home the 16x20 canvas
  • bring your own 16x20 canvas, brushes etc.
  • one colour of oil paint- burnt sienna, indian red, or ultramarine blue


Harvey Walker

Contact us


Event Tent at Kennisis Lake Marina, 1076 Wilkinson Rd., Haliburton, Ontario, Canada


  • Fine Art classes
Age Groups
  • Ages 13+
  • All