All Learners Network In Person Cohort 23-24

Our Chief Learning Officer Sandi Stanhope is bringing back a *NEW* cohort of teacher leaders interested in collaborating with All Learners Network for the 2023-2024 school year. The goal of the meeting is to work together on problems of practice, build pedagogical content knowledge through looking at student work and math tasks, and share and develop resources to use in your math classrooms. The first cohort meeting will provide the opportunity to collectively build a structure for the rest of the meetings that will be meaningful and goal oriented.
The registration deadline is September 1, 2023. The six full day sessions will be scheduled by Sandi closer to the registration deadline. This cohort is limited to 30 participants. Participants will leave the cohort opportunity with 36 hours of professional learning.
Please email with any questions regarding the cohort opportunity.
Sandi Stanhope
Contact us
- All Learners Network
- as••••w@all••••