
Aspire COMT4 - Cervico-Thoracic Evaluation & Management

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$ 514.29 usd
Sun, Dec 8, 2024, 8:00 AM PST – Mon, Dec 9, 2024, 5:00 PM PST
Bill O'Grady Professional Development Room - OSS Billing Office, 6704 Tacoma Mall Blvd, Ste. 200, Tacoma, WA, USA Map
Aspire COMT4 - Cervico-Thoracic Evaluation & Management

COMT4 - Cervico-Thoracic Evaluation & Management

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Course Details

This lab intensive course applies clinical reasoning and a comprehensive biomechanical musculoskeletal assessment and examination skills of the lower thoracic and cervical spines utilized by the physical therapist in the clinical setting. This course analyzes the importance of safely assessing and treating the cervical and thoracic spine by discussing various clinical scenarios which require immediate clinical reasoning and differential diagnostic skills, in order to act efficiently. This course will solidify the importance of a thorough subjective examination and specific objective assessment in order for the participant to formulate a provisional differential diagnosis while demonstrating how to rule out serious pathology. Additionally, the participants will demonstrate appropriate treatment and management skills of the cervical and upper thoracic spine utilized by the physical therapist in the clinical setting management including joint articulation stability and mobility techniques, as well as neuromuscular reeducation and therapeutic exercises to reinforce all manual therapy techniques.

All ASPIRE COMT and SMT courses can be taken as individual stand alone courses, or participants can complete the entire series which leads to COMT and SMT certification after successful completion of the exams. For more information on certification requirements, please visit the ASPIRE website at aspireomt.com. 

Credits / CEU's:

1.5 credits / 2.1 CEU’s



Stacy Soappman, MPT, DScPT, FAAOMPT, COMT

Faculty & Clinical Instructor

Contact us


Bill O'Grady Professional Development Room - OSS Billing Office, 6704 Tacoma Mall Blvd, Ste. 200, Tacoma, WA, USA


  • OSS Employee Only
  • Michael Tollan Clinical Excellence Series