
Hurworth - Member Transfer Spaces - May

Wed, 8 May 2024, 19:00–21:00 BST
The Mustard Tree Cafe, West End, Hurworth Map
Hurworth - Member Transfer Spaces - May

Welcome to our transfer registration platform for Pimm's & Needles members only.

If you know that you are unable to attend a future meeting at your home group we are offering members the option to swap and attend a meeting at a different location. In line with our Terms and Conditions you may only swap to a different group within the same month. Sessions cannot be carried over or banked. It's important that you register yourself as a transfer to the group that you wish to attend instead of your home group. You will then show up on a register at that group and the hosts will know to expect you.

Please check the activities carefully as not all groups do the same activity each month due to tutor availability.

If you register within 24 hours of the event your name may not appear on the register, please bring a copy of your registration.

Our May session is an Eco session with Ruth from Ecologico, she will be inspiring members with her story of eco living, sharing tips to be more sustainable. She will also be bringing along her shop van where she sells environmentally friendly items, for the home giving members the opportunity to start or continue their sustainable journey.

The evening will include a swish event - everyone is invited to bring upto 8 items of clothing in good clean condition on hangers, we have rails organised by size and you'll hang them up on the correct rails. It's a great excuse for a clear out of things you have never worn or have been sat at the back of your wardrobe. Jeans, trousers, shoes, tops, dresses, skirts and jackets.  Basically all clothing and footwear.

You'll be given a name tag for every item you bring along, so once everyone has hung up their clothes then you'll be able to have a browse of the rails and add your nametag to any item that you'd like to take home.

At the end your "new to you" items will be at one side for you to take away. If there is more than one name on any item they will go into a draw and if you're not lucky you'll get your ticket back for a final browse!

So don't forget to bring items on a hanger if they need one (so not shoes and boots), and also bring a carrier bag!

We might contact you via email if there are any notes or memos we need to share with you in advance of the session. 

If you have any further queries about your booking please contact us at office@pimmsandneedles.co.uk

We look forward to seeing you at our group and we hope you have a fabulous time!

Many Thanks



The Pimm's and Needles Team x

Contact us


The Mustard Tree Cafe, West End, Hurworth


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