
FACULTY for the California Neurodiagnostics Society MAY 2024 ONLINE PROGRAM

Tue, May 7, 2024, 8:00 AM PDT – Fri, Jun 7, 2024, 8:00 PM PDT

The links for the meeting will be sent out just prior to the start of the meeting.

The Califronia Neurodiagnostic Society is offering over 30 CEU's in EEG/LTM and IONM for an oppurtunity of technologists to earn 60 CEU's during the month of May.

Faculty you are an integral part of fulfilling one of the main missions of CANDS and that is to provide affordable education to as many technologists as possible.

In making this one of the largest CEU's offering to Technologists in California and worldwide, thank you for your dedication to the field of Neurodiagnostics and the California Neurodiagnostic Society- CANDS.

Some have asked why I was a part of creating this Society and why it is so important to me.

I was raised in a small community in California and living with what was termed as a mild form (seizures onl) of Sturge Weber Syndrome . During my adolescent years I brought in a hand written perscription requesting HV be performed for an EEG test. This was due to a behavioral change in school and the school board would not allow me to return to school until I could prove that my zoning out in class was a form of seizure. If I could not demonstrate this, to be allowed back to school I would need to see a psychiatrist. Unfortunately I had four EEG's performed over the course of many weeks at different facilities. During each of these tests HV was written on the perscription and I heard things at each place perferming the test " I do not know what HV is", "the test is already abnormal", and my favorite between two techs " we don't want her to have a seizure" needless to say each time HV was not performed. I was forced to see the psychiatrist who told me I did not have a seizure disorder but a psychiatric disorder even though all four studys were abnormal with epiletiform activity. I was put on anti-psychiotics while on ASM's and became psychaotic; violently attacked my mother as I beleived her to be an actual monster that was entering my room. Hospitalized, MD's where talking and planning to transfer me to a locked down mental institution a doctor walking by heard the discussion and stated a trained EEG technologist was visiting him and she would most likely be willing to come in and perform an EEG. Within the first 40 seconds of HV I was diagnosed with you guessed it Abscence Seizures. Within a matter of a couple weeks I was reinstated to attend Junior High School. Many years later through surgical intervention an AVM was removed and I now live life seizure free and off medication.

My point to sharing this story is that outside of formal training programs and physicians who are willing to teach or obtain some form of education for their techs they hire, technologists in some instances these techs not sure of how to obtain education perform testing with no true understanding of the testing they are performing.

With your support CANDS has been able to reach techs in these rural areas and provide an oppurtunity for these individuals to educate themselves and find an avenue to be educated, network and perform quality testing improving patient care.

I would like to personally thank you for your time and dedication to the ND field and supporting CANDS to help give technologists the oppurtunity for low cost, quality education through your amazing presentations you have shared with us!

Thank you!!!

The California Neurodiagnostic Society

Kristin Roberts R.EEG T., R.EPT., FASET - President

Tarilla Redick R.EEG T. - President -Elect

Roberta Esfadiarfard R.EEG T. - Treasurer

Julia Traiano CNIM - Secretary

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