
ASCA Exam Registration - 20 July 2024 Online

Sat, 20 July 2024, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm AEST
ASCA Exam Registration - 20 July 2024 Online

Registration is required for students to participate in the TCA + ASCA Grade Exam Online (over Zoom) on July 20th, 2024.

The Steps After Registration:

  1. TCA will collaborate with coaches to allocate each student an ASCA Grade Level.
  2. The ASCA Grade Level will determine the specific ASCA Exam Fee.
  3. An invoice for the fee will be sent to be paid to book a spot for the exam.
  4. After payment TCA will send each student their ASCA Grade Syllabus - which is what the students will need to prepare for the exam.

The ASCA Grade Level is generally based on the students’ School Year.
For Primary School Students (K - Yr 5) the fee ranges from $50-$80.
For High School Students (Yr 6 - Yr 12)the fee ranges from $85-$150.

In preparation, students can join our ASCA Focus Group coaching for $150 (3 sessions) offered both online and in-person.

To give you an insight into what is involved in the exam, we have laid out a summary of the assessments:

Students will tell a story, or describe a picture, with appropriate expressions.
Once they have finished, the audience will be invited to ask the students questions about the story or picture. Finally, students will present a memorised short poem or nursery rhyme.

JUNIOR GRADE (ages 9-12)
Students must tell an original story or talk about a picture, with proper narrative structure.
The audience will then ask questions about the story, or even about the student’s interests.
Students will present two pieces - one is a memorised poem, the other is a short passage from a book chapter.

SENIOR GRADE (ages 12+)
Students will prepare a presentation on at topic, and demonstrate understanding and speaking proficiency. Similar to the previous two assessments, the audience is invited to ask questions on the students’ talk. Next, students will present a monologue or a poem, as well as introduce a book and their reasons for choosing it. Finally, students will perform an announcement-style speech, using rhetoric and expression to communicate their points.

For details on the ASCA Main Syllabus: http://asca-speech.org/syllabus/
For further queries email - contactus@talentclubaus.com.au


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