
Course Design Institute

Thu, Aug 15, 2024, 9:30 AM EDT – Fri, Aug 16, 2024, 3:30 PM EDT
Faculty Hub - Third Floor of Boatwright Library
Course Design Institute

Do you want to benefit from the feedback and collaboration that comes from finalizing your fall syllabi and course plans in community with colleagues? Join the Faculty Hub team and other colleagues for our August 15-16th Course Design Institute (CDI).

What is a course design institute? 

The Faculty Hub's Course Design Institute (CDI) empowers instructors to leverage two evidence-based frameworks for course design – integrated design (Fink, Creating Significant Learning Experiences, 2013) and backward design (Wiggins & McTighe, Understanding by Design, 2005) – as tools for designing or redesigning one of their courses. Participants will learn about each framework, participate in workshops, engage in cross-disciplinary conversation with colleagues, and be provided with dedicated time and space to make significant progress on a syllabus and course schedule for one of their courses. We hope participants will leave the institute with a better understanding of best practices for course design, a detailed plan including revised learning objectives, assessments, and activities for one of their courses, and the tools to apply the same course design process to other courses in the future. 

The institute will be co-facilitated by Kylie Korsnack, Andrew Bell, and Kitty Maynard, and will take place over two days: Thursday, August 15, and Friday, August 16 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Faculty Hub. Morning coffee/tea and a lunch will be provided to all participants on each day. We will conclude with a celebratory ice cream social! Please register to let us know you will be joining us!


Andrew Bell

Technology Consultant, Pedagogy and Scholarship

Kitty Maynard

Director, Teaching and Scholarship Hub

Kylie Korsnack

Assistant Director, Teaching and Scholarship Hub

Contact us


Faculty Hub - Third Floor of Boatwright Library


  • Inclusive Pedagogy
  • Institutes (multi-day)