
Immunisation Update for Healthcare Assistants

£ 108.00 gbp
Fri, 27 Sept 2024, 09:15–12:30 BST
Virtual Class
Immunisation Update for Healthcare Assistants

An Update in Immunisations for Healthcare Assistants

This half-day is specifically designed for staff who have already completed a two-day foundation course and require their annual update, as recommended by Public Health England.

The training is half a day, focusing on vaccinations offered by the HCA in Primary Care including Influenza, COVID, Shingles and Pneumococcal.

Learning Objectives

1Revise Legal Aspects of Vaccination Delivery: - Understand the legal and regulatory framework surrounding the administration of vaccinations, ensuring compliance with relevant guidelines and regulations.
2Review Best Practices for Cold Chain and Vaccine Storage: - Assess and reinforce proper procedures for maintaining the cold chain, ensuring the safety and efficacy of vaccines through meticulous storage practices.
3Enhance Risk Assessment Skills for Safe Vaccination Programs: - Review and apply robust risk assessment methodologies to ensure the secure and effective delivery of vaccination programs.
4Provide Current Vaccine and Disease Information: - Demonstrate an up-to-date knowledge of vaccines, their indications, contraindications, and the diseases they protect against, enabling informed and accurate patient education.
5Encourage and Explore Accurate Documentation: - Promote the importance of accurate and comprehensive documentation throughout the vaccination process, including consent forms, vaccine records, and adverse event reporting.
6Foster Discussion of Practice Challenges and Solutions: - Create an environment for open dialogue and collaborative learning, facilitating the exchange of experiences, challenges, and effective solutions within the realm of cohort immunisations.


Jenny O'Connor


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Virtual Class


  • Immunisations
  • Update