Catch All/Accommodations, Substitutions, Final Exam Prep, Topics of Choice (SDRC & COP)
Thu, Nov 21, 2024, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST
UAC, Close Hipp 3rd Floor (in-person only)
SDRC and the Advising Students with Disabilities Community of Practice will be discussing how we can assist students with different abilities. This session is focused on:
- A comprehensive discussion on all types of accommodations, including those in the "gray area" such as:
- Attendance modifications
- Assignment extensions
- Incompletes and withdrawals
- Information on course substitutions, particularly for foreign language and departmental requirements.
- Open forum for additional questions or concerns advisors may have about working with students with disabilities.
Contact us
- Brandi Byers
- by••••b@mai••••x.sc.edu
UAC, Close Hipp 3rd Floor (in-person only)