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Artificial Intelligence Foundation and Use Cases (Private Client Course)

Tue, Oct 15, 2024, 9:00 AM GMT+4 – Wed, Oct 16, 2024, 5:00 PM GMT+4
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Artificial Intelligence Foundation and Use Cases (Private Client Course)

What will the course cover? 

  • Deep dive into Generative AI's foundations, setting a solid base for innovation and productivity.
  • Broaden your understanding and application of Generative AI tools, highlighting their potential, limitations, and the scenarios in which they can be most effectively deployed.
  • Through targeted practical exercises, harness Generative AI for critical consulting tasks, from ideation to strategy formulation.
  • Learn to seamlessly blend Generative AI applications into your project workflows to accelerate project timelines and improve outcomes in areas like research & benchmarking.
  • Cultivate a deep understanding of Generative AI's ethical implications, ensuring they are well-versed in navigating issues around transparency, privacy, and fairness.

What are the learning outcomes?

  • Learn to effectively describe the principles of Artificial Intelligence, including its history, evolution, and the foundational technologies that underpin Generative AI systems
  • Develop an understanding of the available Generative AI tools including typical uses, suitability and limitations
  • Develop proficiency in the elemental uses of Generative AI in consulting/advisory setting including learning, problem solving/structuring, ideation, assessment, data collection and others through a series of hands-on drills
  • Learn how to combine different elemental uses of Gen AI to accelerate the delivery of work and projects such as benchmarking, policy formulation and strategy development using practice case studies 
  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of potential ethical concerns associated with Gen AI use, with a particular focus on ensuring privacy, fairness, transparency, and accountability, and learn effective strategies to address these issues

If interested in a private course, please feel free to reach out to us on learning@makeenadvisors.com

Disclaimer: Makeen Advisors reserves the right to alter the course dates, content, venue, and faculty.

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Riyadh, Saudi Arabia