P21S-PyTu - Advanced Computer Scientists - Python Turtle
Turtle is a Python library that enables users to create pictures and shapes by providing them with a virtual drawing board. In this research area, the students will explore the comprehensive range of features in Python Turtle, such as Lists, For Loop, Range() and the defining of functions, drawing upon these features to improve the efficiency of their codes to draw various shapes and images.
Students can expect to develop a 'Master Game' by the final lesson. This 'Master Game' typically gives users several options to choose from; Random shape tessellations (Perhaps your new Computer Backdrop Design?), Populating the drawscape with spiral stars that increase in size, Simulating a snowy landscape... the sky's the limit!
Relevant Feedback
The lesson was very engaging and i learned a lot of knowledge about python turtle. Sometimes I struggle with the input for python turtle and teacher Jeslyn will help me find the mistake and correct it. I have to thank coding lab for providing me with this excellent course.At first i didn’t even know what is python turtle but after i went to this lesson i learnt to draw and make things such as clock, chessboard and even draw a turtle.
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- Coding Lab
- le••••e@cod••••b.com.sg
- (+65) 6977 9641
- Modular
- Holiday Camp
Age Groups
- 10 - 12
- P21S - Advanced Computer Scientists (ACS)
- P21S - Advanced Computer Scientists (ACS)(By Module)