
New Roads and Streetworks Refresher

£ 325 gbp
Wed, 19 Feb 2025, 08:30 GMT – Thu, 20 Feb 2025, 16:00 GMT
ACT Training, 5 Inchrory Drive, Dingwall Map

Delegates can complete either the Operative or Supervisor award in the following units.

• Reassessed Location of underground apparatus.

• Reassessed Signing, lighting and guarding.

• Reassessed Excavation in the highway.

• Reassessed Reinstatement of compaction and backfill materials.

• Reassessed Reinstatement of sub-base and road base non-bituminous materials.

• Reassessment Reinstatement of cold-lay bituminous materials.

• Reassessed Reinstatement of hot-lay bituminous materials.

• Reassessed Reinstatement of modular surfaces and concrete footways.

The candidate must undertake one question paper per unit; the time allocated for each question paper is 45 minutes. The pass mark for all reassessed tests is 80% (16 of the 20 questions correct) there are 20 questions for each street works units.

At the end of the Streetworks refresher day there will be an opportunity for delegates to re-sit up to 2 assessment papers should they fail to reach the required pass mark, on their first attempt.

All questions must be completed by the candidate and cannot be discussed with the other candidates. The refresher test can only be undertaken in the English language, there is no facility to use interpreters.


ACT Training

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ACT Training, 5 Inchrory Drive, Dingwall


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