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Hutchinson - Antique Patinas Workshop

$ 60 usd
+ available add-ons
Waiting List
Sat, Feb 22, 2025, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM MST
Kuentz Rec Center Art Club Room
Hutchinson - Antique Patinas Workshop

The workshop is nonrefundable.

In this full-day workshop, you will use granulating pigments to create waterfalls of color and texture in your painting.
Using a combination of wet-into-wet painting, lifting, and glazing finishes, your forms will emerge with characteristics of timeless beauty.
The process will take you from abstract beginnings to stunning results.
An image reference will be supplied to fit an 11 x 15-quarter sheet of watercolor paper. You may draw the reference free-hand or use transfer paper such as Saral to get the drawing onto your painting surface.
Bring your basic watercolor supplies and some fresh raw umber pigment from the tube. I prefer to use the Winsor Newton brand for these paintings.

Workshop Supplies

Raw Umber paint (Winsor Newton is recommended). This is essential for creating the grainy weathered look. Other paints that work well for this technique are easy to lift such as:

  • Cerulean Blue - granulating - semi-transparent
  • Ultramarine Blue - granulating - semi-transparent
  • Cobalt Blue - granulating - transparent
  • Viridian - granulating - transparent
  • Permanent Violet - semi-transparent
  • Brown Madder - transparent
  • Burnt Sienna - transparent
  • Raw Sienna - granulating - transparent
  • Quinacridone Red - transparent

For additional color, we will be working with a limited palette, so you can plan to use pigments you already have on hand.


Transfer paper such as Saral to transfer your image reference onto your watercolor paper.
Pencil and eraser.


For lifting, you will want a stiff bristle brush.
Inexpensive flat stenciling brushes work for this. I use an angled brush with stiff bristles.


I recommend using Arches 140# as it works well with the techniques we will be using.
We’ll be working on a quarter sheet (11 x 15).

Please bring your own paper.


Spray Bottle
Support Surface for your paper

Waiting List


Sonja Hutchison

Visiting Instructor


Kuentz Rec Center Art Club Room


  • Watercolor
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