
The Elegant Universe and Poetry -- Wednesday 10:00 to 10:55 -- (Ian Wick, PhD)

Wed, Jan 22, 2025, 10:00 AM CST – Wed, May 14, 2025, 10:55 AM CDT
Lakeshore Campus
The Elegant Universe and Poetry -- Wednesday 10:00 to 10:55 -- (Ian Wick, PhD)
Poetry readings from Yates,Frost, T.S. Elliot,Hopkins ,Shakespeare ,etc about the meaning and purpose of human life.

String Theory and the real possibility that this Elegant Universe we inhabit is composed of at least 5 UNOBSERVABLE DIMENSIONS OF SPACE because they are RECESSED and unobservable to us today, but permit a domain for the SURVIVAL OF HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS after death.

Our present neurology only permits us to OBSERVE ,3 dimensions of space(height,width ,depth) and 1 dimension of time (we can't" unring the bell" or turn back time).
We may in fact be living TODAY in a universe of 10 dimensions,only 4 of which can be observed with our current sensory receptors or even with the most advanced electron microscopes. .  
Presentation on the origin of time ,space,matter,energy at the Big Bang
The discovery(Carter,1973) of the exquisite fine tuning of the basic laws of physics to permit the evolution of Life from the virus to Intelligent Human Life, called the Anthropic Principle.



Ian Wick, PhD

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