
Taxes for Beginners

$ 280 $ 224 cad
Before Jan 31, 2025
Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 7:00 PM EST – Thu, Mar 27, 2025, 9:00 PM EDT
Online Zoom
Taxes for Beginners

This course is designed to help beginners and those who would just like to understand the process of doing their taxes a little better. Over the 8-week course, students will learn all about tax return filing and preparation.

*This course will run virtually with the exception of day one (Feb 6th at 7pm), where students can come in-person to meet the instructor and get help with setting up the program on their laptop. Those who would rather do the first day online are welcome to.

After completing this course, the student should be able to:

  1. Discuss the importance of filing taxes.
  2. Explain who should file a tax return.
  3. Examine the documents you need to file your taxes.
  4. Completing a basic tax return.
  5. Discuss common tax deductions.
  6. Calculate a refund or a balance owing' Learning module
  7. What happens after filing a tax return.
  8. Using CRA myAccount
  9. Making the most of CRA myAccount
  10. Accessing your Benefits and Credits.

Week 1:

Seminar: Canada's Tax System

Self-paced online: Welcome to Canvas - CANVAS student Orientation, and Canada's Tax System

Week 2: 

Seminar: Income to Report

Self-paced online Canvas LMS: Week 2 - Who should file a tax return?

Week 3: 

Seminar: What documents do you need to do your taxes?

Self-paced online Canvas LMS: Week 3 - What documents do you need to do your taxes?

Week 4:

Seminar: How to do your taxes

Self-paced online Canvas LMS: Week 4 - Completing a basic tax return

Week 5: 

Seminar: Using Ufile

Self-paced online Canvas LMS: Week 5 - After sending us your tax return

Week 6: 

Seminar: Using Ufile - Getting setup

Self-paced online Canvas LMS: Week 6 - Making the most of My Account

Week 7: 

Seminar: Using Ufile - Getting setup (continued)

Self-paced online Canvas LMS: Week 7 - Accessing your benefits and credits

Week 8:

Final discussion and Q & A, and if ready, you can file your own taxes!


Mitchell Parker


Contact us


Online Zoom


  • Course
Age Groups
  • Adult