
Writing Bootcamp with Marrie and Rina: Zoom & in-person

$ 75 usd
Thu, Jan 23, 2025, 9:30 AM PST – Thu, Mar 13, 2025, 9:30 AM PDT
Writing Bootcamp with Marrie and Rina: Zoom & in-person

Writing Bootcamp: Doing the work, getting it done
8 Thurs sessions | Jan 23 – March 13 | 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. | $75 | HYBRID (In-person and Zoom)
In this 8-week class, instructors Rina Palumbo and Marrie Stone will challenge you to begin, continue, or finish your writing project(s). Each week, we start with warm-up exercises, sprint challenges, and instruction on an element of craft. During the second half of the class, you'll work on your project(s) in a supportive and collaborative environment. Whatever your level, this class is for you. Join us!


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