6625 Spring Sunrise Painting on Wood
$ 45 usd

Join Catherine from The Urban Art Studio to paint a bright spring inspired sunrise and landscape on a stained wood board. Your admission includes one 12x16” stained wood board, all painting materials, and step by step instruction. This is beginner friendly, with options for experienced painters.
****Lena Brewing Company is now located at 9426 W Wagner Rd. Lena, IL. It's in the same complex it was in before, just right across the parking lot in the big red barn that was once Rafters Restaurant. Class will take place in the Calf-A-, a private event space located on the first floor of the barn.
****Lena Brewing Company is now located at 9426 W Wagner Rd. Lena, IL. It's in the same complex it was in before, just right across the parking lot in the big red barn that was once Rafters Restaurant. Class will take place in the Calf-A-, a private event space located on the first floor of the barn.
Catherine Urban
Lifelong Learning Instructor
Contact us
- Highland Community College
- li••••g@hig••••d.edu
- 815 599 3403
Lena Brewing Company, 9426 W. Wagner Road, Lena, IL
- Creative Arts
Age Groups
- All