Upcoming Hurry, limited spots left.

Intermediate Knitting - Level 3: Little Cotton Rabbit

$ 95 cad
Thu, Mar 20, 2025, 6:00 PM MDT – Thu, Apr 3, 2025, 8:00 PM MDT
Numana Yarns, 191 Athabascan Ave, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada Map
Dates Breakdown
Thu, Mar 20, 2025, 6:00 – 8:00 PM MDT
Thu, Mar 27, 2025, 6:00 – 8:00 PM MDT
Thu, Apr 3, 2025, 6:00 – 8:00 PM MDT
Intermediate Knitting - Level 3: Little Cotton Rabbit

Skill Level Needed: Intermediate Knitting - Level 2

Julie Williams of Little Cotton Rabbits, knit stuffie designs are an industry favourite and a must-make! In this three-part class, we will work through each section of the pattern with plenty of tips and tricks to make your own beautifully finished and cuddly rabbit. We’ll be using LCR’s “Small Rabbit” pattern. This is the 7” bunny that includes both the boy and girl bunny.

Please review the list of materials required in the pattern. Visit Julie William’s Small Rabbit Ravelry page for a list of materials: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/small-rabbit Bring required needles, notions, and needed yarn to make a bunny. We’ll provide a printed copy of the pattern for each student enrolled in the class. You will receive a digital in your Ravelry account as well. 

Skill Level: intermediate knitter.

Materials Supplied in Class: toy stuffing, enough for one bunny. A digital and printed copy of the pattern. 

Please Bring: items listed in the pattern in enough quantity to make a bunny.

Homework: gather materials listed in the pattern.

Length of class: 2 hrs per session, three sessions total.


Susan has been a LCR bunny maker for many years and joined Julie’s pattern testing team nearly two years ago. There’s plenty of delightful details, techniques and outfits to indulge in.

Please note the classroom is upstairs (14 steps).

Please note the classroom is upstairs (14 steps).

Relevant Feedback

Susan is the best!

Course: Intermediate Knitting - Level 4: Thrummed Mittens

I really liked that the classes were small and I think there should be 3 classes for the thrummed mitts instead of 2

The instructor was great she explained everything really good.

Course: Intermediate Knitting - Level 4: Thrummed Mittens

Susan is a great instructor and very knowledgeable. I think 3 classes were required for this project as most of us didn’t manage to finish one mitten therefore practicing all the steps needed to complete the project

Course: Intermediate Knitting - Level 4: Thrummed Mittens

Susan was very patient and helpful throughout! She also provided some extra help for a few of us that needed. However I feel the class should have been longer, either extend the time of each class or add another day. The Trummed mittens are not an easy or fast project!
I did enjoy the space at Numana and the welcoming atmosphere!!

Course: Intermediate Knitting - Level 4: Thrummed Mittens


Susan Chin

Crochet and Knitting Instructor

Contact us


Numana Yarns, 191 Athabascan Ave, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada


  • Knitting
Age Groups
  • 12 and older
  • Intermediate - Level 3