
Back to Basics: Let's Learn to Spin on a Wheel or e-spinner!

$ 164 cad
+ available add-ons
Tue, Mar 18, 2025, 6:00 PM MDT – Tue, Mar 25, 2025, 8:00 PM MDT
Numana Yarns, 191 Athabascan Ave, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada Map
Dates Breakdown
Tue, Mar 18, 2025, 6:00 – 8:00 PM MDT
Tue, Mar 25, 2025, 6:00 – 8:00 PM MDT

Have you looked at all those beautiful yarns in yarn shops and have really wanted to learn how to create your own? Have you bought a spinning wheel but want to learn more about how to use it to spin yarn? Do you already know how to spin yarn but need a refresher on using your wheel or e-spinner? Or maybe you just want to learn to spin for the sake of spinning! This two session workshop is for all of you! We will learn the basics of spinning and plying using a spinning wheel or an e-spinner. We will talk about:

  • twist and how twist makes fibres into yarn, 
  • the mechanics of how different types of wheels work,
  • different methods of plying if you only have one bobbin
  • take away the fear of spinning from common fibre preparations, like batts and blended top

Tools and Supplies You Need to Bring

  • a working spinning wheel, either people powered or an e-spinner. Rentals for the day of class are $15, limited quantity; please rent at the time of registration to ensure availability.
  • a few empty toilet paper rolls
  • pen and paper to take notes

Additional items to bring, if you have them:

  • extra bobbins
  • a niddy noddy
  • a lazy kate

Materials Included

    • 150g of spinning fibre in various preparations
    • approximately 20 page booklet


  • None. This class is suitable for absolute beginners or novice spinners that want a refresher on how to spin on a wheel or e-spinner.


Relevant Feedback

Learning new things is hard! Glad I challenged myself and learned something new in a welcoming and supportive environment

Course: Back to Basics: Let's Learn to Spin on a Wheel or e-spinner!

Fantastic course. I am so excited to start my spinning journey!

Course: Back to Basics: Let's Learn to Spin on a Wheel or e-spinner!


Elana Goodfellow

Spinning Instructor

Contact us


Numana Yarns, 191 Athabascan Ave, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada


  • Spinning
Age Groups
  • 16 and older
  • Beginner Spinning