
High On Improv

$ 35 usd
Sun, Jan 5, 2025, 4:20 – 6:30 PM PST
Mark's (Venice), 620 Harbor St APT 3, Los Angeles, CA Map
High On Improv

Ever wondered what improv is like when mixed with cannabis? Spoiler alert! It’s a lot of fun.

This In person workshop is for stoners to get stoned and improvise (safely & respectfully) with other stoners who are stoned. If this is you, I’m excited to see you there.

If you don't partake of the Devil's Lettuce, I'd love to see you at another workshop, but not this one, please. Stoners only.

Only supportive, fun, curious students need sign up. Life’s too short to spend time with shitty people.

YOu gotta bring your own weed. I tend to do edibles for these workshops so I don't have to go outside to smoke. You do whatever works for you.

We'll start at 4:20PM so I encourage you to be there by 4:10PM at the latest to have time to get good and high.

This workshop is being hosted by Mark whose place is awesome. Free convenient parking. Fair warning, you will need to ditch your shoes at the door. It's a shoeless workshop. =)

Let's have some fun!



Rich Baker


Mark's (Venice), 620 Harbor St APT 3, Los Angeles, CA


  • IN PERSON Workshops