Upcoming 40 spots left


£ 108.00 gbp
Wed, 26 Feb 2025, 12:00 GMT – Thu, 27 Feb 2025, 17:00 GMT

Festival of Innovation -
Creative Leadership in a Disruptive World

 A special event for KTP Associates and Alumni  

26th - 27th February 2025 ITOL Liverpool

 About the Festival

The world of business is not the same place it was even just a few years ago. AI, social media, cloud working, crowd sourcing, open innovation and 'free to use' services have changed (and continue to change) the value proposition offered by many organisations.

We have all watched as companies have failed to adapt to a changing marketplace and customer priorities. Changes in technology and the impact of external forces have resulted in significant changes to existing business models, and in some cases these have been made redundant.

The focus of this 1.5 day Festival is on how Creative Leadership can be the key to unlocking and capitalising on market disruption. Using the Music Industry, we will look at leadership characteristics and behaviours in both disruptive companies and companies that have been disrupted. From this base, and in discussion with fellow Innovation Strategy course alumni, the workshop activities will provide frameworks for participants to benchmark their own competence as a Creative Leader.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the scope and characteristics of disruptive events that can impact on your business and the markets you serve.
  • Gain insight into why certain companies have been able to capitalise on the disruptive process and use it for their own competitive advantage.
  •  Review some of the tools that you can use to create and evaluate a disruptive strategy for your organisation. 
  • Explore some of the key leadership skills that you need to navigate disruption. 

 Festival highlights

Building on the Festival’s music industry theme and its location in Liverpool, day one will end with an evening meal, and live music in the world-famous Cavern Club where legendary innovators The Beatles played many times. Liverpool also offers plenty of other attractions, including the historic Royal Albert Dock, World Heritage waterfront and Liverpool One shopping district which are all within walking distance of the Festival venue. 

Networking opportunities

The Festival presents a unique opportunity for current and former KTP Associates to meet in person and make long-term professional and social connections with their peers. 

Course Team

Dr Ian Heywood, Bethany Proctor and John Bound, Innovate UK & Harry Bundred, ITOL


To book a place on this event you must be a current or former KTP Associate. 


26 Feb 2025

10am – 12 noon - Innovation Strategy Course 8 workshop 4 (enrolled Associates only).  

12.00 – 17:00 Festival of Innovation part one

18:00 – 22:00 Club activities 

27 Feb 2025

09:00 – 17:00 Festival of Innovation part two plus presentation of Certificates. 

A detailed agenda will be circulated before the event.


Innovate UK and ITOL Certificates will be issued to all delegates who successfully complete the course. 


The cost of attending the Festival of Innovation is £90 plus VAT (total £108), including lunch and refreshments on 26-27 February plus an evening meal and free access to the Magical Mystery Tour and Cavern Club activities on 26 February. 

Accommodation and travel are not included in the Festival fee however preferential rates have been negotiated for accommodation at Stay City Apartments a short walk from the venue.

Please book by telephone 0203 744 7525 or email - waterfront.sales@staycity.com - the discount reference to be used is Institute of Training & Occupational Learning. (ITOL)


  • The venue for the Festival is The Old Hall, The Cotton Exchange, Bixteth Street, Liverpool. L3 9LQ.
  • Special dietary requirements should be emailed to Diane@itol.org

Places are limited so reserve your place early by clicking the booking link on this page.


Bethany Procter

Dr Ian Heywood

Harry Bundred

John Bound

Contact us

