
American Heritage (PM)

Sat, Mar 8, 2025, 1:00 – 4:00 PM EST
As with many Merit Badges, there is some work that must be done outside of class. I
recommend that you do the work before the class so that we can discuss what you have done and found
Please read the Merit Badge Pamphlet before class.
requirement although many Scouts have found the worksheet to be helpful.
Here are some comments/thoughts about the specific requirements for this Merit Badge:
 Req. 1 – read ALL of the Declaration of Independence not just the Preamble. 
 Req. 2 – Pick 2 of the 4 options. 2 of the 4 choices involve interviews. Interviews can be
done in person or via phone. A Zoom call (with your parent’s permission) works very well
for an interview. 
 Req. 3 – You must do all 3. # 3c can also involve an interview. One (or more) of your
grandparents would be an excellent choice to interview as part of this requirement.
 Req. 4 – Pick 2 of the 5 options. If you choose to do #4b, I would prefer that you to limit
your research to something that happened in Fairfax County.
 Req. 5 – Pick 1 of the 3 options. If you choose to do #5a – there is a list of approved movies
on page 47 of the Merit Badge Pamphlet. Check with your parents.
 Req. 6 – The information for this is covered in the Merit Badge Pamphlet.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at eaglescout.roy@cox.net
Please share this email with your parents. Parents, if this email came to your email address,
please share with your Scout.
Yours in Scouting,
Mr.De Lauder
American Heritage Merit Badge Counselor



Roy De Lauder

Merit Badge Counselor

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