
Introduction to Entomology

From $ 15 usd
Sat, May 10, 2025, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM PDT
Izaak Walton Clubhouse - Fairmont Park, 2710 Dexter Drive, Riverside, CA, United States Map
Introduction to Entomology
Introduction to Entomology

A lot of people don’t know what entomology is. Although you don’t need to be an expert,
knowing a few facts can make you a better fly fisher. Entomology is simply put, the study of
insects. In this class we will try to give you the basic knowledge of the four most common
aquatic insect groups in trout fishing: Midges, Mayflies, Caddis Flies, and Stoneflies.
For each of these insect groups we will give you their basic descriptions and variations of the
species, their life cycles and how to identify each stage and where to find them. Knowing the
differences in each life cycle stage can be key to a successful fly fishing experience vs. a nice
outing on the river.

You will learn about:
 Life cycle stages;
 Terms used for each;
 Basic fly patterns used to imitate each;
 Suggestions of how and where to learn more.

Depending on availability, live samples of these insect groups will be used along with
illustrations of each life cycle stage and their locations in rivers, streams, and lakes.

Come out and learn about why fly fishers get excited about ‘The Hatch’. Learn to read the water and
insect life therein and hopefully catch more fish.

Class is Saturday August 13th from 9 am to Noon at the clubhouse.

If you have any questions email: education@deepcreekflyfishers.org

Go to our bio and link.tree to see all our classes: https://linktr.ee/deepcreekflyfishers



Bill Hughes


Deep Creek Fly Fishers

Deep Creek Fly Fishers - Education


Contact us


Izaak Walton Clubhouse - Fairmont Park, 2710 Dexter Drive, Riverside, CA, United States