
Essential Basic Training for Leaders of Student/School Wellbeing Level 1

From $ 349 aud
Tue, 18 Feb 2025, 8:45 am – 3:15 pm AWST

Essential Basic Training for Leaders of School Wellbeing/Student Wellbeing Coordinators/Others with the Wellbeing role

WISA calls this Level 1 – Essential Basic training and it is recommended for everyone who undertakes a Wellbeing Leader/Coordinator role in schools. This full day training provides the opportunity for you to build the essential basic skills to undertake the School/Student Wellbeing role in schools and to lead wellbeing in a planned strategic approach aligned to Australian and international best practice. This includes school wide strategies to aid recovery from the pandemic and natural disasters and help build student and staff wellbeing.

There are three levels of training. WISA recommends you commence with the Essential Basic Wellbeing Training (Level 1) and then Consolidating Wellbeing Practices Training (Level 2) which builds upon and further consolidates and deepens the learning, skills, knowledge and resources. Sustaining Best Practice Wellbeing Training (Level 3) is the third and final level of training which addresses effectively resourcing and sustainably addressing Wellbeing practice in your school community against benchmarked standards.

Essential Basic Training includes the following: Responsibilities and Boundaries in the Wellbeing Role; Wellbeing Team Approach; Distributed Leadership – Wellbeing is Everyone’s Business; Best Practice Frameworks to guide practice; Promotion, Prevention, Early Intervention and Intervention; Communication Skills including Effective Listening; Building Relationships through Circle Time; Help Seeking and Referral Pathways; Networks of Support and Self-Care; an Introduction to Social and Emotional Learning; and Effective Bullying Interventions. Leadership roles include Principal, Deputy, Year level Coordinators, House Leaders, Sub School Leaders.

This full day training provides the essential basic skills to undertake the School/Student Wellbeing role in schools and to lead wellbeing in a planned strategic approach aligned to Australian and international best practice. The program addresses responsibilities and boundaries in the role, Wellbeing Team approach, building relationships, essential communication skills, networks of support, boundaries and self care, also for the school community related to COVID times, help seeking and referral pathways, and introductions to social and emotional learning and effective bullying interventions. It is suitable for staff totally new to the role or to working within education, as well as experienced Wellbeing staff who want to ensure they have the basics in place. We have had staff who have been in the role for 20 plus years attend this training to check they were on the right track.


Maria Hart

WISA WA State Manager

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