
III: Into the Gre(AI)t Beyond: Opportunity and Challenge for Learning in the AI Age with Lance Eaton

Mon, Apr 14, 2025, 10:00 – 11:30 AM MDT
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III: Into the Gre(AI)t Beyond: Opportunity and Challenge for Learning in the AI Age with Lance Eaton

Into the Gre(AI)t Beyond: Opportunity and Challenge for Learning in the AI Age

Dr. Lance Eaton is the Senior Associate Director of AI in Teaching and Learning at Northeastern University. His work engages with the possibility of digital tools for expanding teaching and learning communities while considering the various deep issues and questions that educational technologies open up for students, faculty, and higher ed as a whole. He has given talks, written about, and presented at conferences on artificial intelligence generative tools in education, academic piracy, open access, OER, open pedagogy, hybrid flexible learning, and digital service-learning. His musings, reflections, and ramblings on AI and Education can be found on his blog: https://aiedusimplified.substack.com/

This session is the third in a 3-part series, "AI Compass for Campus: Navigating the new realities of teaching"
Attending all three sessions will earn faculty a recognition badge.

Recordings of sessions will be available after the fact. Viewing recordings can also count as attendance for purposes of the badge.

Did you miss session I with Bryan Alexander? You can watch the recording here:




Cameron Blevins

Associate Professor CTT

Joanne Addison

Professor, English Department

Kate Goodman

Director of CETL

Lisa Keranen

Professor, Associate Dean

Soumia Bardhan

Assistant Professor, Communication


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