
Introduction to Fiber Workshop Series: Beginner Knitting

$ 30 usd
Sat, Jul 26, 2025, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM EDT
WAC, 377 Shadowline Drive, Boone, NC, US Map
Introduction to Fiber Workshop Series: Beginner Knitting

This class is for ages 12 and up

Introducing the Blue Ridge Fiber Guild's "Intro to Fiber" Workshop Series!

Join us on the 4th Saturday of every month, from 10 AM to 1 PM, for an exciting hands-on workshop hosted by the Blue Ridge Fiber Guild. Running through August, each session will focus on a different fiber art technique or craft. This is the fifth workshop in this series.

July 26th - Beginner Knitting: Students will be introduced to cast on, knit, purl, bind off, and fixing mistakes. We will be using wooden needles and cotton yarn, which will be provided. Students will keep their needles. 



Karen Dendiu

Blue Ridge Fiber Guild Instructor

Contact us


WAC, 377 Shadowline Drive, Boone, NC, US


  • Workshops
Age Groups
  • Adult (& mature teens)
  • Teen