THWS - Mother's Day Digital Flowers (P200)
$ 70.85 sgd
Dates Breakdown
Sun, May 4, 2025, 9:00 – 11:00 AM GMT+8
Too late to grow your own flowers for Mother's Day? How about giving mummy the most unique bouquet of flowers ever? Create your own digital flowers and customise them with your favourite colours using Python Turtle! Students will get to pick up key coding concepts such as loops and pattern recognition.
Key Concepts Covered: Turtle, Loops, Pattern Recognition
Contact us
- Coding Lab
- le••••e@cod••••b.com.sg
- (+65) 6977 9641
Parkway Parade, 80 Marine Parade Road #10-06, Singapore
- Modular
Age Groups
- 10 - 12
- THWS - Thematic Workshop