Disciple NOW (DNOW) Retreat

We are looking forward to DNOW in the Spring, with warmer weather! This retreat is different from all other retreats during the year because it's local. It's an opportunity to grow individually and as a group. We can't wait for you to be part of the retreat and experience the life change it brings.
DNOW is a retreat where students stay at host homes (homes of people in the church) in small groups, and have an opportunity to experience retreat in a different way. DNOW is unique not only because it's local but because we invite college students and graduates of the youth ministry to come and be small group leaders. Unique conversations happen when young adults are able to lead for this retreat.
Below is the tentative schedule which is subject to change
5:30pm Arrive at Ardmore Baptist for check-in
(students will receive welcome packet and be checked for documents)
6:00pm Dinner
6:45pm Welcome and Instructions
7:15pm Large Group Session 1
8:30pm Instructions for leaving (rides, adults, host homes)
8:45pm Depart for host homes
9:15pm Host home adults introduce themselves
9:30pm Small Group Session 1 (at host home)
8:00am Breakfast
9:00am Arrive at Ardmore Baptist
9:15am Large Group Session Two
10:15am Small Group Session 2
11:45am Depart for activity with lunch
2:30pm Arrive back at church
2:45pm Free time
5:45pm Dinner (youth place)
7:00pm Large Group Session 3
8:15pm Depart for host homes
8:45pm Small Group Session 3 (at host home)
7:30am Wake Up!
8:30am Arrive at Ardmore Baptist (wear retreat t-shirt)
8:45am Weekend video & photos
9:00am Breakfast
9:30am Large Group Session 4 (closing)
10:45am Worship in sanctuary
12:00pm Go Home & Sleep!
The packing list for this retreat will be sent out in early April. If you have further questions or concerns please let Dane Martin know. Also, if your family needs any type of financial assistance please reach out to Dane Martin and he can help subsidize the cost. We never want students to not participate because of finances.
Contact us
- Dane Martin
- dm••••n@ard••••t.org
- 336-725-8767
Age Groups
- 7th Grade
- 8th Grade
- 9th Grade
- 10th Grade
- 11th Grade
- 12th Grade