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Basics of Photography

From Fr 10 chf
Thu, Apr 3, 2025, 6:00 PM GMT+2 – Thu, Apr 10, 2025, 8:00 PM GMT+2
HG E 33.3 (part I) | HG E33.5 (part II)
Dates Breakdown
Thu, Apr 3, 2025, 6:00 – 8:00 PM GMT+2
HG E 33.3
Thu, Apr 10, 2025, 6:00 – 8:00 PM GMT+2
HG E 33.5
Basics of Photography

Use the basic function of a camera correctly, set the exposure, know what effects each setting has (Aperture, Shutterspeed, ISO and Focal Length). (2h/2h) This course does not require previous knowledge.


Modern cameras offer many incredibly useful features. Unfortunately the basics often get lost. In this course you will learn how to operate your camera manually, i.e. you decide on the crucial settings yourself.

The course will focus on the following settings:

  • Aperture
  • Shutter Speed
  • ISO
  • Focal Length



  • know the functions of a camera and what function each part fulfils.
  • know how to set up their camera to a manual mode, and how to set the exposure parameters
  • know what effect a change in one of the parameters has.
  • become encouraged in setting exposure manually


  • Have a camera that can be set manually (ISO, Aperture and Shutterspeed)
  • Have a camera with live view and exposure preview

The first point applies to 99% of cameras released in the last 10 years. So you most probably have that already. There are cameras which make it harder to find the settings, but they should be some where.
Live view and exposure preview is more problematic, unfortunately. Live view means that you see the picture on the screen before you take an actual picture (as every smart phone does). Exposure preview means that your preview already has the same brightness as the picture you will take.
Photographers have worked without any kind of preview for countless years, so obviously this is not a “hard” requirement, it just makes learning much easier in the beginning.

Smartphones: you can do the course with a smartphone, as most of them provide the required features. Just download a good camera app before the course (good = manual controls are possible).


First Session:

  • Why knowing manual exposure is important
  • How is a camera built (and why)
  • How to set exposure manually
  • What effect do the settings have
  • What the camera does on automatic exposure mode

Between 1st and 2nd session:

  • Exercises
  • Hand-In of photos to be printed and discussed

Second Session:

  • Group discussion about the photos handed in
  • Tips and Tricks for special situations (based on the examples presented)


  • We have the opportunity to adapt the course to your interest, so please ask questions and let your teacher know what you would like to learn
  • This is an introductory course, as such we expect no prior knowledge. We will spend quite some time on the basics. If you are unsure if this is the right course for you, you can find the presentation on our website.
  • The course may be held only in English.


David Linder

Contact us


HG E 33.3 (part I) | HG E33.5 (part II)


  • Photography
  • Course