Editing Course

After you took your “perfect” exposure, it’s time for editing. While editing can’t save a bad picture, it can definitely bring a good one to perfection.
This course is ideally suited for people who took the Level-II Digital Photography course, which covered everything that is needed to take the ‘perfect’ RAW image. This module details how this RAW image can be edited in order to get a great photo.
In this course we’re going to address the questions:
- Why do we edit?
- What can we edit?
- How can we edit?
Participants will be given instructions and methods of editing on the first day of the course. Between the courses they have the possibility to do and hand in their own edits. The second session will mainly consist of a discussion about the photos that have been handed in.
- Participants get a feel for what can be edited based on a suitable RAW. They also get to know some tools and techniques to edit.
- Participants get to know a fast and streamlined workflow.
- Participants made some first experience in editing and got some feedback on their results.
- Know the difference between a RAW and a JPG
- Understand the concept of dynamic range, and how the exposure settings are influencing our photography
- Have an image editing software ready (e.g. trial version of Adobe Lightroom)
First Session:
- Meet Editing: See edited pictures, befores and afters, understand why we edit
- Workflow: Discuss the editing process required to achieve the style of those photos from camera to final export
- Get to know the tools used in editing
Between 1st and 2nd session:
- Hand-In of photos to be printed and discussed
Second Session:
- Review: Group discussion about the photos handed in
- Creativity: Tips and Tricks for special situations
- We have the opportunity to adapt the course to your interest, so please ask questions and let your teacher know what you would like to learn
- If you saw a picture, and would like to know how it was edited, bring it to the course, and we will discuss it together
- If you have a picture you took yourself that you struggle with editing, hand it in (ideally RAW) and we will edit it together
- The course will use and show Lightroom Classic. Any other software can be used as well, but Lightroom has a clean interface and is well suited for a course. Check out Darktable if you prefer an open source alternative: https://pixls.us/articles/darktable-3-rgb-or-lab-which-modules-help/
Tuule Müürsepp
Contact us
- Alexander Eggerth
- ae••••h@fot••••n.ch
- Photography
- Module