
Basic Serving REP Session

$ 20 cad
Sun, May 11, 2025, 6:00ā€‰ā€“ā€‰7:00ā€ÆPM CST
Holy Family Catholic School, 815 Stensrud Road, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada Map
Basic Serving REP Session

šŸ Basic Level: Serving REP Session

Serving is one of the most important skills in volleyball, and thisĀ Basic Level Serving SessionĀ is designed for athletes who are just starting their volleyball journey. If youā€™re new to the game and struggle with overhand serves, this session will help build your foundation. You should have already attend a session where our expert coaches break down the mechanics of serving, focusing on proper hand contact, ball toss, and body positioning to help you develop a consistent and controlled serve. Taking that information for one hour you will serve and serve again and serve again. Coaches will be there to assist but will not do a group session, they will help if asked or if they see an athlete struggling. It is just a chance to serve...and serve again, and serve again.

ThisĀ one-hour sessionĀ is perfect for athletes in theĀ Basic Level at the Academy, which is designed for players who are new to volleyball and still mastering fundamental skills to practice With a focus on technique, repetition, and confidence-building, we hope youā€™ll leave feeling more comfortable and ready to serve successfully in a game setting.



To Be Announced

Waiting to assign


Holy Family Catholic School, 815 Stensrud Road, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada


  • Basic
  • Basic Elementary school team member and/or no club or sport experience