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Pepper Spray Course

$ 85 usd
Wed, Nov 13, 2024, 6:00 – 9:00 PM EST
Rochester Personal Defense, LLC Training Center, 300 Buell Rd LOWER LEVEL, Rochester, NY, USA Map
Pepper Spray Course

This is the perfect class for everyone! Young, old, male or female. Going off to college, or going to work, this can be the simple but effective tool that saves you! 

Utilizing the superior Spray products from SABRE, this course is more than a spray course. We’ll teach you how to recognize an attack before it happens, and how to effectively delay or stop the attacker before you get hurt. 

WHO should take this class? Realtors, nurses, office staff, teenagers, those of us with more life experience, anyone that is out and about and could use a simple but effective tool in their goal of personal safety. As with any tool, you must learn how to use it properly to avoid becoming a liability to yourself or others. Do you actually know when you can use pepper spray? Do you really know how? What happens if you get some in your face and what will you do or how will you react? 

This class will not only tell you about the what, when, and how, but you will get to practice with inert sprays to test your skills.

This class is great for everyone as you can carry your spray almost anywhere.

Subjects Covered

What pepper spray is made of and how it works
Risk Assessment and avoidance
Legalities of carrying and using self defense sprays
Skills to deescalate and disengage from an attacker
Self defense spray skills - how to use spray effectively
Other simple strategies for safety

Required Equipment:
For this class, you will need the following items:
  • Protective eyewear
  • Loose fitting, comfortable clothing
  • Soft soled, non marking footwear


Relevant Feedback

Atia Mar 17, 2024

Great experience overall! The instructor was friendly and knowledgeable and really clear about best practices. I highly recommend this course!

Class: Pepper Spray Course


Matt Underwood

Training Manager / Lead Instructor

Contact us


Rochester Personal Defense, LLC Training Center, 300 Buell Rd LOWER LEVEL, Rochester, NY, USA


Age Groups
  • All
  • Basic