Welcome to the class list for The Triangle Tangle. Instructor: Cathy Boytos, CZT
Greetings! I have opened my studio to classes and open studio times. Some of my classes will still be offered online via Zoom, so please note the details in each class description.
Most of my classes will use similar supplies. If you plan to participate in some of the online classes, you’ll want to purchase the necessary materials. Fortunately, Amazon sells pretty much everything that you will need for any and all classes. For example: You’ll always need a black Micron Pen (01, 03, etc.) a pencil and a tortillion (for shading). In regard to paper, a lot of the projects will require a 9” x 12” sheet of either Strathmore Bristol Vellum paper OR Hotpress Watercolor Paper. Both papers are smooth enough for excellent drawing results. If you have questions regarding supplies, don’t hesitate to contact me. I would recommend purchasing a pack of paper from Amazon or your local art/crafts store (most do curbside pick-up). For some of the smaller projects, you can easily cut the larger size paper into 3.5” squares. During this time of quarantine, we all need to exercise flexibility and I promise to offer assistance wherever I can.
Cancellation Policy for Classes:
I understand…..life happens. I know that sometimes surprises come up and you may need to cancel. If you will give me at least a 48 hour notice when canceling, I will send you a gift certificate for future class. If you cancel less than 48 hours prior to a “Full” class, there will be no refunds because it might be difficult to fill your spot at the last minute.
If the class you are canceling isn’t “Full” this is the policy:
• Cancellations made 7 days or more in advance of the class date will receive a 100% refund.
• Cancellations made within 3 - 6 days will receive a 80% refund.
• Cancellations made within 48 hours or less will receive a 50% refund.